First look at long-awaited Cobleskill study...


By Jim Poole

A meeting next week is expected to give a glimpse of what local government may look like in Cobleskill’s future.
Set for 7pm June 5 at the Cobleskill Firehouse, the meeting will explain a study that looked at village and town shared services and possible consolidation.
The Rochester-based Center for Governmental Research started the study last year, looking at all financial data from the village and town in addition to courts, administration, highway departments, and more.
Also working with a local committee, CGR held several public meetings for input on what residents wanted from local government.
The joint study grew out of local officials’ interest in making government less expensive and more efficient.
Next Thursday’s meeting will be the first public look at CGR’s draft results.
“We have a set of options for the town and village,” said CGR’s Scott Sittig, “everything from increasing shared services up to and including consolidation.”
CGR is “making no formal recommendations,” Mr. Sittig said. Instead, the consultants are looking for more feedback from residents.
“This is the community’s opportunity to hear the work the committee has put in on shared services and consolidation,” Mr. Sitting said.
“The community has an investment in it. We urge everyone and anyone to attend.”
Public participation is essential for the study to have impact, added local committee member John O’Donnell.
“If the people are really well-informed, we’ll get something done,” Mr. O’Donnell said.